About Us
To promote and support the adoption and spread of Conservation Agriculture (no-till) systems in the United Kingdom
Main objects:
The primary objects of the Association are:
- 1. Mobilize maximum political, policy and institutional support in the public, private and civil sectors for the promotion and mainstreaming of CA.
- 2. Facilitate the development of conducive public policies and institutional support to promote and sustain the transformation of conventional tillage agriculture towards CA.
- 3. Facilitate the exchange of information, ideas and techniques between members about CA systems and practices.
- 4. Help members to improve their own farming through training, information provision and adoption of new skills related to CA systems and practices.
- 5. Support or develop studies and trials which increase the understanding of CA systems and practices.
- 6. Promote CA systems as widely as possible across the agriculture industry.
- 7. Promote the development of CA education, research and training programmes, as well as CA organizations.
Officers of the Association.
- Chairman: Mr. Tony Reynolds, CA Farmer
- Vice-Chairman: Prof. Amir Kassam OBE, FRSB, PhD
- Secretary: Mr. Tony Reynolds, CA Farmer
- Treasurer: Mr. Edward Gent, CA Farmer
- Membership: Ms. Tessa Patrick, BSc (Hons) Agric.
- Communication: Mr. Samuel Patrick, CA Farmer
- Technical Officer: Mr. Tony Gent, CA Farmer
- Events Officer: Mr. Chris Renner, CA Farmer
Secretariat address:
- Thurlby Grange Farms
- Thurlby, Bourne
- Lincolnshire PE10 0EA
- United Kingdom
- E-mail:
- Website: www.conservation-agriculture.uk